Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Also works for people without G6PD Deficiency

A research scientist for the US Agricultural department once called people with G6PDD "canaries in the coal mine". I've thought about that many times and have recently started researching what is healthy for everyone. An interesting pattern is emerging. Basically, what we have been taught for the past few decades about what is healthy, is totally wrong.

My wife's father died in his early 60's due to a heart attack. what? The problem is that he was an avid health nut. Because he knew that heart disease ran in his family, he did everything he could to prevent it, to no avail.

Heart disease is a relatively new thing. We've been told that it is due to smoking, drinking and fat, but something is wrong with that statement. Before 1900 people drank, smoked and ate tons of fat. Why weren't they dying of heart disease? What happened after 1900 that made us start dying of heart disease? Over the next few weeks I'm going to explore that question and see if I can make some sense out of it. Maybe canaries can give us some insight.